The real reason for communication failures are often the lack of awareness of what is really happening. If you understand what level your challenges truly are and what you are communicating about, whether it is content or structure, you are then able to deal with the real issues. This article will look at the issues […]
The Secret Is In the Word – Choose Them Wisely
As adults, we create meaning by the words we put onto experiences. “This was the worst day of my life” or “at least you have other children” are just examples of what we either say to ourselves, to others, either out loud or in our thoughts. The more we think something, the more we believe […]
Healing And Re-Parenting Your Inner Child
Sitting across from my husband and our daughter, while he was reading a bedtime story to her, I was reminded that my dad was not available to me in this way when I was a child. I distinctly remember a sentence he uttered when I was nineteen: “Your mother was responsible for the love in […]
Drama Triangle And How To Avoid It
Getting hooked into a drama happens quickly, especially in close relationships. The following article will help you understand the different roles played and how to step out of the cycle altogether. What Drama? Stephen Karpman has first described the drama triangle in an article in 1968. The model shows the three positions people often […]
6 Steps To Take When In Relationship Conflict – Relationship Wisdom
Conflict in relationship is often the pivotal point that leads to unhappiness and dissatisfaction of the relationship. Let’s have a look at conflict from a different point of view to turn it into opportunity to grow and learn instead of an “I win – you loose” scenario. Relationship purpose The ultimate purpose of every relationship, […]
How To Save Time By Planning
One of the key habits that successful people have is planning. It is often what unsuccessful people refuse to do. In specific they develop written plans, which has to do with working smart rather than working hard. Why plan? According to time management experts every hour spent developing a written plan saves anywhere from two […]
13 Myths About Relationship Satisfaction
1. Happy relationship = happy self It is the other way around: Your relationship life is a reflection of your personal emotional state. Your relationship won’t make you happy unless you are. 2. Next time it will be better If you carry the bricks from your past relationship you will end up building the same […]
Relationship Wisdom – 15 Types Of Relationship: Which One Do You Have?
There is often confusion about the kinds of relationship my clients are in, so let me define them here in this article. Any of these can also be stages you go through in your relationship life. Truly compatible: Depending on your definition of the ‘perfect relationship’ this is it. There is a high degree of […]
Meta Programs – All-Or-Nothing Thinking
Do you start sentences with “always” or “never” as the second word? That is what is called ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking or generalising. If you happen to think like that you are most likely rarely (or never?) happy with what you have achieved and are highly critical of yourself and others. Is this me? If you think […]